Baptism, often known as “Christening” is the way we become members of the Church. In the earliest generations of the Church those who wanted to become Christians were prepared for this over an extended time (usually before Easter) and they would then make important promises about their faith and how they would live before being baptised into membership of the Church.


As time went by Christian families did not want their children left out of membership of the Church and so we started baptising babies with parents and godparents making the faith and life promises on the baby’s behalf.

It was recognised that it would be necessary for the baby, when (s)he grew up to confirm for themselves the faith commitment made on their behalf through the service which has become known as confirmation.


In our troubled times we are probably more like these early Christians than we seemed to be a few decades ago. We cannot help but be aware that there is a great deal of pain and sorrow around us; the promise of the

Christian faith is that we can offer a powerful and transforming peace - the peace of Jesus - to bring hope to us and all around us.

So Baptism has at its heart a commitment to turn away from a life of sin - turning to living as Jesus commands - and sharing the faith of the Church. We welcome children brought for baptism but ask their parents and godparents to take the promises they make before God very seriously. The promises are below so that you can think about them in advance. If you would like your child christened please use the contact form below we will then help make the arrangements for the service and support the discussions in more detail and helping you to make the service all that you would want it to be.