

Orders of Service & Hymn Books:

If you would prefer and it helps reduce our costs we encourage the use of pdf documents downloaded to your phone or ipad when possible.


Currently available service pdf's are:

  • Said Communion -
    this is the service we use for most other communion services except 10am Sunday Communions.
  • Sunday Word Service
    this is the outline order of service we use for our "Word" services on a Sunday. They are simple services in which we pray together for the needs of the world and grow together in faith through prayer and hearing and considering God's word in the Bible.
  • Sunday Communion Service
    this is the service we usually use for our Communion service at 10am on a Sunday (usually one week in three). It is a flexible outline of what we might do on any particular Sunday
  • Other service sheets are made available as needed.

We are committed to offering all possible support to anyone with a disability when you come to Church.

  • Wheelchairs:
    The main Church entrance, facing the road, has two steps but by turning right at the door and following the path round the outside of the Church you will reach the entrance to the Church Room. This has no steps and it is possible to go through the link into the Church. There is a small area set aside for those using a wheelchair or having other special seating needs but there are areas of the Church where wheelchairs can be accommodated. If other modifications were necessary we would seek to recognise the need and respond quickly.

  • Hearing:
    A Loop system is installed in the Church.

  • Eyesight:
    We hope that the pdf versions of the order of service will allow you to magnify text as necessary..

  • Coeliac Disease:
    Gluten-free communion breads are available; please speak to the host or sidesmen when you arrive in Church.


Please let us know if you find there are other ways in which we can help you
to participate in our worship with confidence